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Groom LIKE a pro
Lets Get it Started
About ME (2:54)
First Aid
Removing the Corn Chip Smell (1:28)
Tools of the Trade
Set_up_and_bathing_tools_ (8:59)
Using a Portable Bathing Tub (3:38)
tools_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (6:01)
Blades_and_Clippers_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (5:27)
Troubleshooting Clippers (1:11)
Wahl Bravura and how to use (6:35)
Clipper Maintenance (5:08)
Clipper Maintenance part 2 (1:10)
brushes_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (4:03)
Combs (7:48)
Combs (1:59)
Shears (8:51)
Products (11:30)
Adding Accessories (1:18)
HOT Blades and what to do (1:27)
Prep Work
Setting up before bath (2:22)
Dilution Bottle Bathing Method (11:31)
Dilution Bottle Conditioner Method (2:19)
Frothing Conditioner and application
Bathing without Bathing System (21:15)
Doodle Bath using bathing system (25:41)
Schnauzer Bath (7:11)
Doodle dry and brush out (16:03)
Schnauzer drying
Cockapoo drying (11:00)
Ear Plucking (2:56)
Ear Cleaning (0:50)
Puppy prep work (27:20)
Female Sanitary trim (1:17)
Male_Sanitary_trim__Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (1:15)
In Tact Male Sanitary Trim (1:05)
Paw Pad Trimming (0:26)
Paw Pad Trim and Sanitary Trim (5:03)
Nail trimming and paw pad trim (4:07)
Nail trim on Black nails (0:47)
Nail Trim on white/black nails (0:43)
Nail Filing on Black Nails (2:36)
Sanitary Trim on Rear (2:54)
Combing (0:40)
Short haired dog bath and deshed (71:07)
Shihtzu Bathing and drying (32:16)
Shihtzu Full Grooming (32:43)
Yorkie Asian Fusion Full Haircut (40:50)
Expressing Anal glands (1:24)
Puppy Stage
puppy_training_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (11:37)
puppy_s_first_bath__Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (9:30)
Puppy_drying_and_desensitization_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (15:36)
Desensitizing your puppy (6:19)
Line_Brushing_Full HD (3:15)
full puppy bath (21:13)
Ear Plucking (2:56)
Ear Cleaning (0:50)
Fluff Drying puppies (10:18)
Male Sanitary Trim (1:15)
Female Sanitary trim (1:17)
Sanitary Trim on Rear (2:54)
Paw Pad Trimming (0:26)
Face Holding Techniques (1:13)
Doodle Puppy Groom (31:15)
Body Clipping
Ear trim using blades (1:15)
Charles_scissoring_legs_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (17:18)
Blade_on_body__Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (5:05)
Full Large Doodle Groom Wavy type coat (43:39)
Wavy Doodle Body Trim (8:32)
Rear Leg trimming wavy doodle (1:32)
Sculpting Doodle Legs w/ guards (16:12)
Scissoring_in_legs_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (5:13)
doodle_foot_trim_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (2:34)
Corrective Grooming (Fixing choppiness on the body) (1:25)
Face Holding Techniques (1:13)
face_trim_using_only_scissors_with_voice_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (7:51)
Charles_face_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (6:48)
Curly_Round_Face_Aussiedoodle_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (4:47)
Wire haired Doodle face trim (6:14)
Clean Poodle Face (12:10)
Wavy_Doodle_Face_Trim__Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (6:36)
Scissoring between the eyes (1:25)
Teddy Bear Face Trim (7:46)
Bichon Face Trim (7:40)
Matting and DeMatting
How Matting Happens (0:34)
Fluff Drying (10:41)
Brushing_matts__Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (5:37)
doodle_dry_voice_over_Full HD 1080p_MEDIUM_FR30 (18:29)
Aussiedoodle dematt (5:45)
Grooming Difficult dogs
Grooming the Face While the dog is wearing a Muzzle (6:38)
Severe Matting, Feces And urine covered dog (8:34)
Nail trimming WHILE using a Muzzle (3:19)
When dogs wont stand (1:06)
When dogs wont listen to cues (2:14)
About ME
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